Aftab Alam (aftabalam4) Last seen 3092 Day(s) Ago
Male 32 years old,Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education at: Khyber Medical Uni (KMU) (KPK) Yu cn,t Judge Me By The Pple arround Me, R By the Plce I Live N, R By the wy Odrs R, I M Unique in Myslf as evryone shud
By showing me injustice he taught me to love justice. By teaching me what pain and humiliation were all about, he awakened my heart to mercy. (Roy Black)
Record breaking number visit #Makkah during first 16 days of #Ramazan A record number of worshippers visited the Holy City of Makkah in the first 16 days of Ramazan this year. #14 million worshippers visited the city.