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ISLAHE INSANIAT (iipakofficial)
Last seen 11 Day(s) Ago
Male 32 years old,Karachi, Sindh
Smiles 106 Friends 16Listeners 6Interests 46
Islahe Insaniat @Iipakofficial

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12 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Islahe Insaniat @Iipakofficial

* ꧁ ﷽ ꧂ *

    * 03 Shabaan 1446 *
    *☀️02 February 2025 ☀️*
     * SωєєT ωσR∂ *

*⚄→ Rishtey Paiso Ke Nahi..*

*⚄→ Bharosey Aur izzat Ke Mohtaaj Hotey Hai...*

12 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Islahe Insaniat @Iipakofficial

isLahi Videos
Hamd O Naat
Audio Bayanat
Video Bayanat
MasaiL K Jawabat

Ye Sab Kuch
Whatsapp Service Par

Whatsapp Service
Mein ShamiL Hone
K Liye is Number
Par Apna Naam
Likh Kar SMS Karen...
3214 Day(s) ago: Web
Islahe Insaniat @Iipakofficial

Salam to all friends
3216 Day(s) ago: SMS
Islahe Insaniat @Iipakofficial

AuLad Ki Nafarmani
K Asbab :

Apni AuLad Ko Rishwat ,
Sood ,Chori Aur MiLawat
Jesa Haram MaaL Nahi
KhiLana Chahiye
Q K Ye Un Ki Bad Bakhti ,
Sar Kashi Aur Nafarmani
Ka Sabab Banta Hai...
3391 Day(s) ago: SMS
Islahe Insaniat @Iipakofficial

Duniya K Kisi Qoum K
Tehwaron Mein Wo BuLand
Aur Pakeeza Rohani Aur
Aiteqaadi Aur ikhLaqi Rooh
Mujood Nahi Jo Hamari
Eid UL Azha Mein Hai...
3428 Day(s) ago: SMS
Islahe Insaniat @Iipakofficial

Apne MuLk Aur Qoum K
Khatir Jan Qurban Karne
K Liye Har Waqt Tayyar

Khawaja Muhammad Asad

Aazadi Ki Hifazat Qawaneen
Se Nahi BaL K Jazba e AmaL
Aur Esaar Se Hoti Hai

Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah
3472 Day(s) ago: SMS
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