Total 37 Smiles Posted on #ANsWer Trend

#LIFE Is Very Complicated D0n't Try t0 find #ANSWERS...ßecause when y0u find Answers #LIFE Changes the #QUESTI0NS....!!

Good morning Girls and guys,
Babies and babas

Can any body clarify that Eid e milad un nabi has any reality?
Has it ever been celebrated by Sahaba kiram (R.A)?
Is it our religious festival?
I don't want to argue just seeking #answer in yes or no.
Thank y

R u genius enough then #answer this @question
If 10 people can do a piece of work in 5 days, working 2 hours a day, how long will 2 people take to do the same work, working 5 hours a day?
If 10 people can do a piece of work in 5 days, working 2 hours a day, how long will 2 people take to do the same work, working 5 hours a day?
3371 Day(s) ago: Mobile

(USvA) Smiled about #Want
#ALLAH may not always #answer the prayers we #want, but He always answers the #prayers we need.
3485 Day(s) ago: SMS

#ALLAH may not always #answer the prayers we #want, but He always answers the #prayers we need.

Aaj #Question ka Answer kse ni b nai dia.Khair koe bat nai.
#Surah-E-FATIHA ko
#Surah-E-SHEFA aur
#Surah-E-SWALAAT سورة الصلوةse pehchana jata ha.

#Surh-E-FATIHA ko aur kin kin Naamon se pehchana jata hai??
Last Time 11:00AM
Tek #ANSWER diny walon ka Ids#Show hoge
#Just for Question
#Add Abc.123 send to
Note:JO ye Msg share krega uska Acount show hoge.

#answer,s to
#saira sister,
g w.salam
ans:1~Hazrat bilal (R.A) was the 1st moezzin of islam.
Ans:2~Hazrat Zaid bin sabit (R.A)
was 1st sahabi Hafiz-e-Quran.
Ans:3:1902, urdu tarjuma Quran by Aashaq llahi meeruti.
#saira sister,
g w.salam
ans:1~Hazrat bilal (R.A) was the 1st moezzin of islam.
Ans:2~Hazrat Zaid bin sabit (R.A)
was 1st sahabi Hafiz-e-Quran.
Ans:3:1902, urdu tarjuma Quran by Aashaq llahi meeruti.
3532 Day(s) ago: Mobile