Total 7 Smiles Posted on #ART Trend

#Wood Carving is an #Art. Fazl-e-Khuda Art Gallery #Chitral is a best place to turn your imagination into carved woods. Where it is? find here http://ssnurl.com/AQc
3632 Day(s) ago: Web

"-> #MakinG A #MiLLioN FrnDz iS Not An #Art
"-> The #ReaL Art iS To #MaKe A FrnD Who WilL #StanD With U.

"-> WheN MilLioNs R #AGainSt U :/
"-> GuD9yTs

3891 Day(s) ago: SMS

#Islamabad, Airport Pr Truck Ki Takar Se #PIA K 2 Plane #ART Ko Nuqsan, G.M Or Deputy G.M Technical Service Muatil, #Pakistan
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