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Total 20 Smiles Posted on #BestThingAboutRamadan Trend


It Takes 40 Days To Change A #Habit.
It Is A Golden #Chance For All Addicts.
If They Leave Addiction For 30 Days Of Ramadan And 10 Days More After #Ramadan, They Can Get Rid Of This Fatal Habit :)
3916 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ayushey Syed @Ayushey

Guys, make sure dis Ramadan u really reach out 2 d poor.It wil b a shame if v gain weight during d mnth while othrs lose evn more
3917 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ahad @Flux_24x7

#BestThingAboutRamadan When you Realize you've completed ur first Fast of Ramadan. :-)
3918 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Ahad @Flux_24x7

#BestThingAboutRamadan We disobey ALLAH for 11 months, ALLAH gives us just 1 Month, that is full of Mercy to make up for the Past 11.
3918 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Ahad @Flux_24x7

#BestThingAboutRamadan It's the Month that the QURAAN was Revealed to Mankind.
3918 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Ahad @Flux_24x7

#BestThingAboutRamadan is tasting the Sweetness of Iman & having the most Purest intention in whatever act of Worship u Perform.
3918 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Ahad @Flux_24x7

#BestThingAboutRamadan The Echoing Sound of Azaan at Suhoor from everywhere, at the same time, it just melts the Heart.
3918 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Noman @Leo1

#BestThingAboutRamadan is that with empty st0mach we can realize the sufferings ab0ut p0or pe0ple ar0und us,h0w they spend lives with0ut sufficient builds a passi0n to help,supp0rt n sacrifice 4 such pe0ple.
3918 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ahad @Flux_24x7

MASHA'ALLAH our HashTrend #BestThingAboutRamadan is now trending at Rank 4. Let's bring it at top. Name

Thanx a lot 4nds 4 using the Hashtag #BestThingAboutRamadan @Ayushey @Rahat @Lenient @Flux_24x7
3918 Day(s) ago: Mobile

