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Total 4 Smiles Posted on #CiGraTE Trend

V3hh-shii D4rind4 @Zehhniimareeez

'1oOrry 9sHii.....;*
'#CiGRaTe PAr Ab BHi QaaYiM HoOn,,*
'MaGar #NoSHi CHoRR Di MaInE..*
2984 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Zeeshan @Sad-boy2

MuHaBBaT Ek #DaRD ThA..*..!!
!!""*""Jo #CiGraTE Ki TaRaH #CHuP?CHaaP PiYa HEy #MaiiN NeY..*..!!
3099 Day(s) ago: SMS
V3hh-shii D4rind4 @Zehhniimareeez

!!""*""#MuHaBBaT Ek #DaRD ThA..*..!!
!!""*""Jo #CiGraTE Ki TaRaH #CHuP_CHaaP PiYa HEy #MaiiN NeY..*..!!


- 'h4xSeeB .. *

3099 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Usman @Cut3-mani

The BeST Way To StoP Sm0KinG
IS To jusT StoP. . .!

3283 Day(s) ago: SMS
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