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An #Interesting #Definition of
" #TODAY "

T - This is #another

O - #Opportunity to

D - #Do

A - A work, #better than

Y - Yesterday.!!!
2826 Day(s) ago: SMS
Irfan @Share

#Definition of Time

SLOW, When You #Wait.
FAST, When You are Getting Late.
LONG, When You are #Sad.
SHORT, When You are #Happy
Endless, When You are in Pain.

#Time can only be Determined by Your Feelings & Your Mental Condition, Not by Clock.
3706 Day(s) ago: SMS
Thinker @Deepthnker1

#Definition of Time

SLOW, When You #Wait.
FAST, When You are Getting Late.
LONG, When You are #Sad.
SHORT, When You are #Happy
Endless, When You are in Pain.

#Time can only be Determined by Your Feelings & Your Mental Condition, Not by Clocks.
3707 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sellfish @Hma

#Definition of #TIME!

#Slow, when you #wait!
#Fast, when you r #Late!
#Deadly, when you r #Sad!
#Short, when you r #happy!
#Endless, when you r in #Pain!
#Long,when you feel #bore!

3830 Day(s) ago: Web
Harry Kyll3 @Harry.kyll3

#DeFiNiTiOn oF #TIME:
-SlLoW.. WhEn YeW #WaiT!

-FaST.. WheN YeW ARe GeTTiNg #LaTe!

-LoNg.. WheN YeW ARe #SaD!

-SHoRt.. WheN YeW ARe #HaPPy!
-EnDLesS.. WhEn YeW ARe In #PaiN!

-TiMe CaN OnLy Be DeTeRmiNeD By YouR #FeeLiNgs NoT By #CLoCKs
3980 Day(s) ago: SMS
Imdad Khan @Mrimdadkhan

#Definition of #TIME:

-Slow.. When You #Wait!

-Fast.. When You Are Getting #Late!

-Long.. When You Are #Sad!

-Short.. When You Are #Happy!
-Endless.. When You Are In #Pain!

-Time Can Only Be Determined By Your #Feelings Not By #Clocks.

4051 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ahsan @Z.rose

#Definition of Human being, by a #philosopher.
"A creature that cuts trees, makes paper & on those papers write

Its strange but true. :)
#Good #Morning :)
How are you guys? :)
4142 Day(s) ago: SMS

