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Total 15 Smiles Posted on #DiE Trend

Amir Mushtaq @Aamiir1

" Do Or #Die " Is An Old #Concept..

" Do It Before You Die "

Is A New Concept.!

3111 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Muhammad Altaf @Altaf275

Koi kandha ho meisar, koi to sath de mera..
Mujhe totay howay aik khawab ki tadfeen karni hai..*
3407 Day(s) ago: SMS
Jal Pari @Jalpari767

*""+D0 Or #DiE+ iS aN 0lLD #C0NcEpT, D0 iT B3F0rE Y0u DiE iS A N3w C0Nc3pT,,,,*


3521 Day(s) ago: SMS

SmOkinG Kills,

But If You Don't Smoke, Doesn't Mean You'll Never Die...!!

Plz Add SDF
Send 03318190479

3773 Day(s) ago: SMS
Gol Gappa @Zeromind

Life of a Desi: Born, Study, Study harder, Get Degree, Work, Work harder, Marry, Save, Save more, Have kids, Worry, Worry more....Die.

3840 Day(s) ago: Web
Ali_waris @Zohaib-abbas

AsSLaaM O ALaikUm
g0oD M0rNiNg
hAVe a NiCe daY

LiFe NeVeR St0p
FEeLinGs ALivE
LoVe's NevEr DiE
HaTe's ALivE's

3966 Day(s) ago: SMS
Afsar Ali Khan @Xxzionestxx

To #live mean to #love, to #hate, to #learn and to #die.
3994 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ayesha No0r @No0rii

Struggle For
#Success Will #Make You A
#Master.. But Struggle 4 Satisfaction Will Make You A #Legend..
& Legends Never #Die.. :-)

#Quote #Noor
4018 Day(s) ago: SMS

