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Total 9 Smiles Posted on #Emotions Trend

Nehashah @Nehashah

Hamaray leadran ny hamaysha logon k emotions ka galat faydah uthaya hay .agr systum crpt hay sunwai nah horahi ap aqwamay mutehda main jo sedhay sobot k sath 14 logon k qatal k insaf k liye mazed kaye soo lashain girwadi gain kahan ka insaf hay
3856 Day(s) ago: SMS

Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.
#Emotions #Life #FACTS
3889 Day(s) ago: Web
Aliyan Ali @Aliyan

I hate that moment when I suddenly just boiled up with emotions.

#Mc #Emotions #Feelings
3943 Day(s) ago: Mobile

There Is No #Market For Your #Emotions, So Never Advertise Your #Feelings Just Display Your #Attitude.
3961 Day(s) ago: Mobile

The Way You Start Your #Day Can
Affect Your Whole Day.
Begin It With A Smile, Calmness Of #Mind, Coolness Of #Emotions And A #Heart Filled With
#Mc # Smile
3962 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Madiha @Kalmuhi

#Girls can control their
#temptations but not their

#Guys can control their
#emotions but not their

4057 Day(s) ago: Web
Ayesha No0r @No0rii

#Emotions Will
Never Die.. They
Bec0me Buried
In Y0u'r Mind &
Can 0ften
Destr0y Y0u
Mentally.. :-)

#Help #MC #Quotes #Quote

4147 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sajid Ajmal @Sadkhan

When you #write from the #heart written #words can become #emotions in the #heart of one who #reads ...!!!


4203 Day(s) ago: Web
Ayesha No0r @No0rii


"0nE 0f ThE GrEaT #LeSsoN I GoT FroM #LiFe-:

"ThErE Is No MarKeT F0r Y0uR #EMoTioNS..
So NevEr ADvErTiSe Y0uR #FeeLiNgS..
JuST DiSpLAy Y0uR #AtTiTuDe..":)


4210 Day(s) ago: SMS

