Total 13 Smiles Posted on #Forget Trend

#Forgive and #Forget :
He who forgives his brother shall be forgiven by God. And, he who forgives and forgets and loves his brother shall receive from God the gift of grace.
He who forgives his brother shall be forgiven by God. And, he who forgives and forgets and loves his brother shall receive from God the gift of grace.

#Love your #Parents.
We are so #busy growing up, we often #forget they are also growing #old.
#Respect your parents because they are #guest for #you.
3978 Day(s) ago: SMS

your First #Love Is Always Alive and #Lives All The #Time In Your #Heart .
How Much You Try To #Forget ,
It Never Goes Away From Your #Heart.
#Quote #Quotes
How Much You Try To #Forget ,
It Never Goes Away From Your #Heart.
#Quote #Quotes