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Total 15 Smiles Posted on #IMpOrtanT Trend

Usva @Usva


try to dominate the one who says
#Sorry to you for their #Mistake...
Because, they understand, you are Far More #Important to them then their #Ego.
3315 Day(s) ago: Web
Waleed @Daffodilllx

AssaLaM-o-ALaikuM #

Aj Ap Sy BohT Hi SimPLe BuT #InTeresTing QuesTioN PuchnaY JaraHa Hun...:)

Ans Zurur Dena...:)<3

InsaN Ki LiFe Mai Sb Sy #ImporTanT Kya HoTa Hai...+yes+


Waiting For Ur RepLy #+guiter2+

3353 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Decent Shani @Deep-sea

_.The two most #Important days in your life,

_.Are the day you are born

And the day you find out #why?

3362 Day(s) ago: Web
Dr. Mudassar @Mudassar.aslam

#Important #Thesis doing Students!

A special guidance presentation (How to do Thesis) for thesis students is arranged. Graduate Coordinator + Dr. Zia will be the presenters. You MUST ATTEND THIS PRESENTATION to appear in the next week synopsis.
3431 Day(s) ago: Web
Dr. Mudassar @Mudassar.aslam

#Important #Thesis doing students!

All students who have registered their thesis in the current semester are informed that #SYNOPSIS presentations will be held in next week (from Nov 9). Updates will be available later on bitly link.
3431 Day(s) ago: Web
Dr. Mudassar @Mudassar.aslam

#MSAll #IMPORTANT Attendance correction application is available online at Check UPDATES file to read who can submit application + procedure to fill and submit the application. Last date for application is October 16, 2015.
3453 Day(s) ago: Web
Rose @Newrose

#Life is #race a between cat & rat
Rat mostly wins
bc0z cat runs for food & rat runs for Life

#Purpose is more #important than #need
3604 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sellfish @Hma

Sometimes, the most #important lessons are the ones we end up #learning the hard way.

3631 Day(s) ago: Web
Hassnain Baadshah @Baadshah.66

#important impormation
3655 Day(s) ago: SMS

