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Total 4 Smiles Posted on #IndiavsPak Trend


Hurrah!! We won the match. I have a strong sympathy for poor Pakistani team supporters. Feeling sorry for you people.
Love you India <3 <3
+dance+ +guiter2+ +music+
#pakvsind #indiavspak
3296 Day(s) ago: Mobile

Electing fielding first is our first step to victory.
All the best India.
#PakvsIndia #indiavspak #mysupportforindia #highvoltagetakra
3296 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sunny @Sunnytrixs

3694 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Hasnain Mustafa @Nain-111

Ap log ye q bhol jaty hn k agr 18 cror Pakistani Duae krty hn to India me 25 cror Musalman b hn Jo Indian team k lye duae kr rhy hoty hn.
Phr ye mayosi q?
Or jo galt alfaz bol rhy hn unky agy hath jorta hu k plz wo zra hosh k nakhun lyn
3694 Day(s) ago: Web

