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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #JIHAAD Trend

Hameed @Angar1


*..IsLaHi Pashto Poetry..*

Os AnGreezi Kitab Khanda Kavi QuRaN Jaarhe..
Pa MusaLman Raghy Zawal Zmaka Asman Jarhe...!

CLub Ye Abad Kro Masjidona Saarh Weeraan Prata Di..
Che Warta Gori Fareshtey Laka Baran Jarhe...!!

3633 Day(s) ago: SMS
Emoo @Crystall-addan

God refuses ought but that He should perfect His light, though the unbelievers feel
(Surat-at-Tawbah (9), ayah 32)
3943 Day(s) ago: Web
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