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Total 7 Smiles Posted on #Jealousy Trend

Muhammad Altaf @Altaf275

#smile about
jealousy and love are sisters..
£= Russian proverb
3435 Day(s) ago: SMS

There Is A #Battle Of Two Wolves Inside Us All.
One Is Evil. It Anger, #Jealousy, Greed, Resentment, Lies, Inferiority And #Ego.
The Other Is Good. It Is Joy, Peace, #Love, Hope, Humility, Kindness, Empathy And Truth.
The Wolf That Wins, The One You Feed.
3943 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Ahson. @Rudekhan

"Think Twice Before Leaving A Space In Someone's Heart. Because It's Difficult To Imagine The Pain, When You See Someone Else Filling Your Space."

#Jealousy #Care
4113 Day(s) ago: Web
Shahmeer @Brilliant

I took da road less traveled by & d8 has made all da difference ok mrsWaleed u r not d8 girl
i mentioned maya she likes to abuse me
4116 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shahmeer @Brilliant

#Romance #jealousy #pyar #raqaabat #ehsaas Allah kreye din jald guzr jae kisi k sath ki gai mazaahiya baton ko yad kr k muskrata maen!

#Brilliance OF Brilliant
4125 Day(s) ago: SMS

