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Total 6 Smiles Posted on #KashmirSolidarityDay Trend

Newspakistan1 @Newspakistan1

#IndependenceDay tomorrow to be celebrated as #KashmirSolidarityDay.

Occupied Kashmir remains cut off, curfew continues for 9th day.

2043 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Newspakistan1 @Newspakistan1

#Federal #cabinet decides to observe #KashmirSolidarityDay on April 6

2541 Day(s) ago: Web
Hafiz Hafeez @Hafizskp

Assalam-o-Alaikum dear friends. How are you all?

#Kashmirsolidarityday #5thFeb2017
2962 Day(s) ago: Web
Mr.perfect @Ffc.sdk

Kashmir is an "unfinished agenda" of partition.
5th Feb Kashmir Solidarity Day.
Kashmir is jugular vein of Pakistan.


2963 Day(s) ago: Web

