Total 7 Smiles Posted on #Law Trend

#Laws are The #Spider's Webs which,
if Anything Small Falls Into Them They #Ensnare It,
But Large Things #Break Through and #Escape.
- Solon
GooD MoRnInG G..
kea Ap Ny MuJhy #Miss Kea??
if Anything Small Falls Into Them They #Ensnare It,
But Large Things #Break Through and #Escape.
- Solon
GooD MoRnInG G..

kea Ap Ny MuJhy #Miss Kea??

I Lead No Party; I Follow No Leader. I have GiveN Best ParT of My Life to CarefuL Study of #IsLam, its #Law and #polity, its #Culture, its #history and its #Literature,
(Dr MuhammaD IqbaL)
(Dr MuhammaD IqbaL)
3793 Day(s) ago: Mobile

#ADD my Brother,
ADD Pinkish-Baloch send to# mc #, he is like my brother, advocate #Lahore high court, we personally know each other, ADD Pinkish-Baloch and know about #law, #constitution,# rules & obligations nd much more, also on #politics & current affairs.
ADD Pinkish-Baloch send to# mc #, he is like my brother, advocate #Lahore high court, we personally know each other, ADD Pinkish-Baloch and know about #law, #constitution,# rules & obligations nd much more, also on #politics & current affairs.