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Total 5 Smiles Posted on #PakistanArmy Trend

Rohail Sultan @Iamrohailsultan

#PakistanArmy. Struggle continues to make Pakistan safe and weed out terrorism. INSHALLAH. #PakistanZindabad #pakforces ✌️

2331 Day(s) ago: Android
Roshni @Z-jani

Pilots Major Faisal Shaheed & Altamash Shaheed of ‪#‎MI17Crash‬ in ‪#‎NaltarIncident‬ . May Allah bless their souls.



3284 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Umar @Zaavia

Army Chief General Raheel Sharif, who is in #NorthWaziristan, is celebrating #EidulFitr with troops engaged in ZarbeAzb operation.
Remember #PakistanArmy and the Muslims of#Gaza in your prayers.
3568 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sk Salik @Jaltaanchal

A #FakeDemocracy will support those on a foreign #agenda and will never support the #PakistanArmy
3664 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sk Salik @Jaltaanchal

الفاظ و معانی میں تفاوت نہیں لیکن

ملاکی اذاں اور ھے، مجاہد کی اذاں اور


علامہ اقبال
3664 Day(s) ago: SMS
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