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Total 6 Smiles Posted on #QUIT Trend

Shamsurrehman @Shamsurrehman

#winner are not people who never fail,
but people who
#never #quit.


3450 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Usman @Cut3-mani

The BeST Way To StoP Sm0KinG
IS To jusT StoP. . .!

3517 Day(s) ago: SMS
Naz @Naz.59

3847 Day(s) ago: SMS
Numan Tariq @Egoist-optimist

> The Real #Trouble With This World Of Ours Is Not That It Is An #Unreasonable One.

> The Trouble Is That It Is Nearly #Reasonable, But Not #Quit..

- G.K.Chesterton

#Quote #WiseQuote

3924 Day(s) ago: SMS
Khurram @Blueocean

#Success Seems to be Connected With Continuous Action, #Successful #People Keep #Moving Toward Their Set Goals 'They make Mistakes But Never #QUIT'. :)
4135 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shehzad Khan @Sheezi

'Success seems to be connected with action. #Successful people keep moving. They make #mistake, but they dont #quit.,',!

#quote #love
4178 Day(s) ago: Web
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