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Total 21 Smiles Posted on #Reason Trend

Usva @Usva


Never #compare yourself or others to other #people.
Everyone has their own #dreams, their own #struggles.
Everyone is who they are for a #reason.

3302 Day(s) ago: Web
Decent Shani @Deep-sea


The ones who #Love U will never #Leave U,

because even if there are #Hundred #Reason to give up there,

they will find one reason to #Hold on_........_:*

<3 <3
3324 Day(s) ago: Web

Yes they can be Just friends :)

Dilkash: -
Do you think a #Girl and a #Boy can be "Just #Friends" ?

Vote and #Quote this status with your #reason.
3409 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Haaniya Ahsan @Zzindagii-143

Dilkashmunda: -
Do you think a #Girl and a #Boy can be "Just #Friends" ?

@ Vote and #Quote this status with your #reason
3409 Day(s) ago: SMS
Maqsood Khan Mohmand @Maqsood.11

Thanx #friend's for giving me a #reason to #move on .
Mubarak ho app logoo ko app ka #smileSN.

3458 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Mahmood @Mahmood.145

USvA: #People often change for two #reasons.
It can be either that you have #learned enough that you want to #change;
Or you have been #hurt enough that you #need to change!


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3495 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sarah @Sarah

#smile sn have not much people's
a little updates status
3643 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Sweety @Babydoll

#Reason Why i'm not interested in studies.....

"Eduction" is power full weapon.....

And I'm a peacefull pers0n.

3843 Day(s) ago: SMS
Naveed @Ilm

The process by which you #reason is known as #logic. Logic teaches you how to derive a previously unknown truth from the #facts already at hand. Logic teaches you how to be sure whether what you think is true is really true.

Listen ilm
#mc #help
3856 Day(s) ago: Web

