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Total 10 Smiles Posted on #STRUGGLE Trend

Usva @Usva


Never #compare yourself or others to other #people.
Everyone has their own #dreams, their own #struggles.
Everyone is who they are for a #reason.

3304 Day(s) ago: Web
Sami Khan @Sami-n-3

Bally py m0har ka mtlb imran khan ko v0te dena nh
Bally py m0har ka mtlb insaf k nizam ke traf apki k0shsh ha.

3406 Day(s) ago: SMS
Inshal Khan @Shalo

LuCK iS NoT iN YoUr ConTroL
STruggLE iS AlwaYS iN YoUr CoNTroL
StruggLE CaN MakE
YoUr LUCK...
EverYThing iS PoSSibLE with STruggLE...
Be PoSiTivE...*
3679 Day(s) ago: SMS
--- @Huuuuuurhrrrr

Existence is full of not pain because of struggle but it is full
of pleasurable #moments, which we misintrepret as #struggle..

3722 Day(s) ago: Web
Sellfish @Hma

There is No #Royal Road to #Success,
But after #Success Every #Road #Becomes Royal,

Best #wishes for those who #believe in #Struggle
3818 Day(s) ago: Web
Arohi @Arohi

Whn i dunk a biscuit&rise2 taste
Suddenly;it,cracks&i waste

i lament?n0;
2 step 4ward i'm ready

I use2sip ma tea,sl0w bt steady

to secure,m sure;At last cup is empty,

Dat br0ken piece,lying inside,m0re tasty

4047 Day(s) ago: Web
Noman @Leo1

Whn i dunk a biscuit&rise2 taste
Suddenly;it,cracks&i waste

i lament?n0;
2 step 4ward i'm ready

I use2sip ma tea,sl0w bt steady

to secure,m sure;At last cup is empty,

Dat br0ken piece,lying inside,m0re tasty
4055 Day(s) ago: SMS
Jahanzaib @Jazzib

-If you are #Absent during my #Struggle ,
Don't Expect to be #Present during my #Success.
4195 Day(s) ago: Web
Electric_doll @Chillimili

Keep working hard and you can get anything that you want..!!

4250 Day(s) ago: Web

