Total 8 Smiles Posted on #Shakespear Trend

#Shakespear says:
#Laughing faces do not mean that there is #absence of sorrows! but it means that they have #ability to #deal with #sorrows
#Shakespear says:
#Laughing faces do not mean that there is #absence of sorrows! but it means that they have #ability to #deal with #sorrows

#QUOTE "When your time is good, Ur mistakes are taken as a joke,
When ur time is bad, Even your jokes are noticed as mistakes".
When ur time is bad, Even your jokes are noticed as mistakes".

#Shakespear says about Love.
"#Love is the seventh #sense WHICH Destroys all the six senses And makes you a complete non-sense')
Funny But True;-)
#Shakespear says about Love.
"#Love is the seventh #sense WHICH Destroys all the six senses And makes you a complete non-sense')
Funny But True;-)

#Shakespear said: 'I always feel happy'
You know why? Because i don't expect anything from anyone.! Expectations always hurt.

#Shakespear Says:-
*...Every One Has A Best
#FrienD During Each Stage Of
#Life. But Only
#Lucky Ones Have the Same Friends In All Stages Of Life...*
4023 Day(s) ago: SMS

A Fool thinks Himself To be wise , but a wise Man knows Himself to be a Fool... !!!
#Quote #shakespear

#Shakespear Said:
"I Respect Blind People..
They Judge Others By Their Behavior
Not By Their Looks!
"I Respect Blind People..
They Judge Others By Their Behavior
Not By Their Looks!
4093 Day(s) ago: SMS