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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #ShapE Trend

Aaliyah Mirza @Mirza15


"#Honest #Relations" are #just like
#No #colour,No #shape,No #place, #No taste, #But still very "Important" for "#Life"...!
3492 Day(s) ago: Web
Aize @Aize

Everyone comes into your #life for a reason; some #good, some #bad. They #shape, form and #break us. But in the end make us who we are.

3520 Day(s) ago: SMS
John Ghourii @Aarish.-john


#Honest #Relations" R Just Like

-No #ColOuR
-No #ShapE
-No #Place
-No #Taste
-But still Very "#IMpOrtanT" 4 "#Life"

->It's #jOhN...<3
3688 Day(s) ago: SMS
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