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Total 13 Smiles Posted on #Sometime Trend

Wahab11 @Wahab11

#Sometime silence protect a Beautiful Relation ...!!! But Sometime too much Silence create distance Between Relation
3275 Day(s) ago: SMS
Wahab11 @Wahab11

#Hello everyone
#Dost zindagi ki zeenat hai
#sometime U miss me sometimes I miss U
" friends "
3275 Day(s) ago: SMS
Zarisha Emaan @Sheeny

#Silence doesn't #Always mean ''Yes''
#Sometimes it #Means''I'm #Tired of #explaining to #People who don't even #Care to #Understand...

3455 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shazia Naz @Shazianaz.721

#Sometimes Silence Protects a Beautiful #Relation...:)
Too Much Silence Creates a Distance in #Beautiful Relations...!
3534 Day(s) ago: SMS
U-xman @Therapper

#Sometimes Smile k msgs Mood on kar detay hn ... nd some time when i was ... Smile Msgs be ... the rapper je plz add my frnd wo ghr mn akeli h .... etc nd blah blah
Seriously its rediculous Man :)
3561 Day(s) ago: Web
Hassan Khan @Khan-hassan

Ba Bye #Mc . . . . . Am #g0nNa #Offline for #SoMetime Or #ForEver . . N0t #Sure ab0ut ths. .. Take Care #friends.. And itx My Number 03159264835..
Note: itS Not PersNl number. .
3631 Day(s) ago: SMS
Usva @Beingusva

#Sometimes it is okay not to be okay! But what is really not okay is that you can easily give up and never get up!

3638 Day(s) ago: Web
Muhammad Tasleem @Tasleem.219

#Sometimes You are Unsatisfied with Your Life, while many People in this world are Dreaming of Living Your Life

A Child on a Farm sees a Plane fly Overhead & Dreams of Flying


A Pilot on the Plane sees the Farmhouse & Dreams of Returning Home

That's Lif
3646 Day(s) ago: SMS

#Sometimes Life Is Just Like Maths......
A Tiny Mistake Can Change Everything.....

...GoOd MoRnInG...
3776 Day(s) ago: SMS

