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Total 7 Smiles Posted on #Stand Trend

Humaisa @Humaisa

Sometimes you have to stand #alone to prove you can still #stand.
3488 Day(s) ago: Web
Muhammad Naeem @Muhammad.4924

#Stand like you've never been broken, Walk like you've never had a fall, Smile like you've never been sad, Love like you've never been hurt.
3629 Day(s) ago: SMS
Rashid @Rashid.6895

#hell0#pti imran khan tairi jurhat ko salam#apnay usooli muqaf pr dat jana hi kamyabi ki zamanat hai#pti zinda bad#stand @nd sport with imran khan for real change in pakistan#rashid.6895 c20
3729 Day(s) ago: SMS
Rashid @Rashid.6895

#hello in crupshion kirdaron ko ak dhaka or do#go nawaz go#go zalmana nizam go#stand @nd sport with imran khan#pti zind bad#pml <n> murda bad#hello c20
3751 Day(s) ago: SMS
Tahir Rashid @Tahir1823

#hell0 Aad waseem gul#go nawaz go#pti zinda bad#stand for imran today in fasalaabad#thanx for all loverz of pti @nd imran khan#rashid.6895 c20
3751 Day(s) ago: SMS
Harry Kyll3 @Harry.kyll3

"-> #MakinG A #MiLLioN FrnDz iS Not An #Art
"-> The #ReaL Art iS To #MaKe A FrnD Who WilL #StanD With U.<3
"-> WheN MilLioNs R #AGainSt U :/

"-> GuD9yTs;)


3884 Day(s) ago: SMS

