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Total 12 Smiles Posted on #Teachers Trend

Hassan Khan @Khan-hassan

Sikandar_e_azam c kesi ne pocha k ap ustad ko baap pr Q tarje dty h os ne jwb diya " Eslyai k baap tu mji asman se zamen par laya aur maira ustad arasto muji zamen se asmaan pr ly giya".

3879 Day(s) ago: SMS
Pak Home News @Pakhomenews

#Lahore: Niji #School ke 2 darinda sift #Teachers ki 7we class ki kamsin taliba se ijtimae Badikhlaqi. Adalat Aalia ne notice le lia,
1 hafte me report talb.

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3919 Day(s) ago: Web
Faisal @Aab-shar

My Article is approved to be published in the college magazine.
Its my first attempt to write something other than speeches.
I'm not a diligent student, but my teacher called me & askd 4 it.
I'm really Excited.
A humble attribute to My #Teachers #m
4020 Day(s) ago: SMS

Be Nice To Your #Teachers.
They Are The Reason You Can Read This :P :)
#Teacher #Students #Respect
4025 Day(s) ago: Web
Naqeeb17 @Naqeeb17

An innocent #student wrote a Signboard for the Traffic rules near a School.

"Drive carefully! Don't kill the Students!

wait for the #Teachers :-D #fun #joke #Pakistan
4028 Day(s) ago: Web
Umer Shahzad @Greatestquotes

An innocent #student wrote a Signboard for the Traffic rules near a School.
He wrote:

"Drive carefully! Don't kill the Students!

wait for the #Teachers :-D #fun #joke
4028 Day(s) ago: SMS
Amjad Liaqat @Amjadliaqat

I Don't Hate School.
I Just Hate The Teachers, Homework, Exams, Nd WakIng Up In The MornIng......., :P :D
4032 Day(s) ago: SMS
Naveed @Ilm

"Those who educate children wellare more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well."

"#Teachers are like the candles, which consume themselves to brighten the lives of others."
#mc #respect #honour
4102 Day(s) ago: Web
Sufiyan Fraqi_ @Sfraqi

,Uff yE SanG E Mar Mar sa ShaFaF baDan...

DAikhNe waLE Tujh ko TajmahaL KehTE hain...

#islam #fsa #syria #arrow #love #teachers
4213 Day(s) ago: SMS

