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Total 42 Smiles Posted on #Thingsiwantinmylife Trend

#ThingsIWantInMyLife One Of Bollywood Actresses Along With Bank Balance :P :) ;)
3711 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Riaz Ahmed @Xs2sonia

#ThingsIwantInMyLife health forever and an endless wealth...
3724 Day(s) ago: SMS
Saba Doll @Xaba

Hi FrNds, If u intrstd in hot guys xxx, hot girls xxx, then add me plz
ADD RapStar
snd to mc
I am top Boy,
Em Hot, handsome, smart, liking xXx with cute guyx,
u can see my hot pic at mc,

3735 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Saba Doll @Xaba


Hmmmm jst Bottom guys
for enjoy,
intrusted girls and boys aDD RaPStar

3735 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Iamraza @Kaxhif


-Best Friends
-Cute C GF :)
3735 Day(s) ago: Mobile

#ThingsIWantInMyLife Is My #Childhood But Its Impossible To Get It Back ;-( :-( How Amazing Time It Was :-(
We Didn't Know Whats Wrong And Right But Kept Busy In Full Masti And Fun :-(
We Fought Each Other, After 2 Minutes Embraced & Played Together :-(
3735 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shahabkhan @Spysessa

#Thingsiwantinmylife :) still i'm not measure what i want...I mean everything...;-)

Mem zr ma tola zama..
3735 Day(s) ago: Web
Touseef Ahmad @Touseef55

RoBa: '
->'ROoG AaiiSy BHe GHaM'EE'Yaar Sy lLaG JaTTy HaiiN....*
' -><-
->'DaR Sy UTHTay HaiiN TOo DEwaaR Sy LaG JaaTy HaiiN.....*


*Ad:Daily News headlines on ur mobil
3735 Day(s) ago: SMS
Muskii @Muskii

Via RoBa: '
->'ROoG AaiiSy BHe GHaM'EE'Yaar Sy lLaG JaTTy HaiiN....*
' ->''<-
->'DaR Sy UTHTay HaiiN TOo DEwaaR Sy LaG JaaTy HaiiN.....*
3735 Day(s) ago: SMS
Mehwish Khan @Roba

->'ROoG AaiiSy BHe GHaM'EE'Yaar Sy lLaG JaTTy HaiiN....*
' ->''<-
->'DaR Sy UTHTay HaiiN TOo DEwaaR Sy LaG JaaTy HaiiN.....*
3735 Day(s) ago: Mobile
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