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Total 260 Smiles Posted on #WORLDCUP Trend

Newspakistan1 @Newspakistan1

#WorldCup Me Nayi Tareekh Raqam
New Zealand 241/8
England 241/10
Super Over Me Bhi Donon K 15, 15 Runs
England 2 Boundary Laganay Par Fatih Qarar

2078 Day(s) ago: Web

3304 Day(s) ago: SMS

List of #WorldCup Winners:
1975: West Indies
1979: West Indies
1983: #India
1987: Australia
1992: #Pakistan
1996: Sri Lanka
1999: Australia
2003: Australia
2007: Australia
2011: India
2015: Australia
3609 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Massom-grl @Shakela-jan

Saary Wehm Tere Apny Hen
Hum Kahan TujKo Bhool Payen Gen

Aaj Tafseel Nhi Bus Itna Suno.
Qasam Say Boht Yaad Aaty Ho


add SHaKeLa-JaN
3642 Day(s) ago: SMS
Majid Nawaz Awan @Beingmna

#WC History.

1983 India
1887 Australia
1992 Pakistan

2011 India
2015 Australia
2019 *Pakistan*

Next #Wc Hamara hay :D

3644 Day(s) ago: Web
Rasheed Khan @R.rasheed66

Heartfelt c0ngratulati0ns to Australia on bec0ming the World champi0n yet again ;)
We hoped a mem0rable match bt unfortunately n0thng happend as such & ultimately Australia grabbed the prestigi0s trophy..C0mmeserati0n to N.Zealand
3646 Day(s) ago: SMS
Awais Shah @Awaisshah.82

3647 Day(s) ago: SMS
Awais Shah @Awaisshah.82

3647 Day(s) ago: SMS
Junaid Abemd @Junaid3836

3647 Day(s) ago: SMS
Massom-grl @Shakela-jan

Yu Ankhu Sy Ansu Behty Nai,
Kisi Or Ko Hum Apna Kahty Nai,

Ek Tm Hi Ho shakela Jo Ruk Sy Gy Ho Zindgi Me
Wrna Rukny K Leye Hum Kisi Ko Kahty Na

add shakela-jan
snd 03318190479

3647 Day(s) ago: SMS

