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Total 8 Smiles Posted on #WheniWasNewOnSmile Trend

Noman @Leo1

#wheniwasnewonsmile i was having s0 many intellectual ideas:-)bt n0t fully acquaint h0w 2 use mC:-(

3990 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ahad @Flux_24x7


#WheniWasNewOnSmile Everyone used to ask me Same Question, whether you're Magnetic FluX or Electric FluX??

I said: Both :)

3990 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ahad @Flux_24x7


#WheniWasNewOnSmile 1st time i met with @LXD in Lahore C.R, on that day We were Quarreling with each other on any Issue & then became good 4nd.

Really Nice User He was... @LXD :)

3990 Day(s) ago: SMS
Abdullah Khan @Meri-urdu

#wheniwasnewonsmile jb b mai kisi larki k id dekta ta request snd krdeta ta.. Hahahaha ..lkn ab never
3990 Day(s) ago: SMS
Nobody @Glory

#WheniWasNewOnSmile I was totally fake...
3990 Day(s) ago: SMS
Umair @Gracious

i thought smile is a bad network but it proved even worst than expected...:-D
3990 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ahad @Flux_24x7


#WheniWasNewOnSmile there were a lot Princes,Pari,Shehzadi,Dolls etc, who used to impress everyone by sharing heart touching Poetries during Chat. :-)


3990 Day(s) ago: SMS

