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Total 760 Smiles Posted on #aDDMe Trend

Umii @Samurai

ادب کیجئے ہماری خاموشی کا

آپ کی اوقات چھپائے پھرتے ہیں

1174 Day(s) ago: Web
Umii @Samurai

جو کچھ گزر رہی ہے غنیمت ہے ہم نشین

اب زندگی پر غور کی فرست نہیں ہے مجھے

1174 Day(s) ago: Web
Umii @Samurai

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1180 Day(s) ago: Web
Umii @Samurai

Oh IS ID Ka PaSSWorD JiNU Ko AGaiN YaD ATeY HuEY. :( No OLD Fri3ND iS ALiVE.

1180 Day(s) ago: Web
Amir Mushtaq @Aamiir1

When V r Angry V Can
Change Decision But
Not Feelings
The Changed Decision
May Give Satisfaction
At That Time
But Later It Hurts Our
Feelings A Lot ...

2908 Day(s) ago: Android
Rj Sulmeen Appi @Samaarise

Life is short,live it.Love is rare,grab it.Anger is bad, dump it.Fear is awful, face it.Truth is good,tell it
Rj Sulmeen appi #quote #quotes #smile
3086 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Amir Mushtaq @Aamirr

all the pain & sadness are bound inside my heart
all the memories are still preserve in my mind
i miss you so much
coz i can't hide the fact that i'm still inlove with you
my life will never be the same again



3106 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Rj Sulmeen Appi @Samaarise

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's everywhere May Allah always bless them and keep them happy and safe.
#news #poetry #addme
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3233 Day(s) ago: Mobile

