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Total 7 Smiles Posted on #humanS Trend


Ebola Virus Disease is Severe,
(Shadeed) fatal(muhlik,) illness with
a high fatality rate of up to 90%. It is
one of the #World's most Virulent
#HUMANS can be infected by other
humans if they come in #contact with
#body fluids.

3872 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Science @Discover


#Apollo 11 #Spaceflight Launched from KennedY #Space Centre in #Florida on July 16, 1969, that Landed the 1st #Humans on #Moon, Neil Armstrong&

3907 Day(s) ago: SMS
Science @Discover

If #humans were capable of hearing frequencies lower than 20 Hz, we would hear our muscles moving.

3938 Day(s) ago: SMS
Science @Discover

The Lungfish can go more than 4 Years Without a Meal.

The Honey bee is the only Insect that Produces #Food Eaten by #Humans

#FACT #FACTS #Animals
4063 Day(s) ago: SMS
Nehashah @Nehashah

#Humans Qabil nd effective people not cash our prsnlty coz woh only logon ko faydah dayna jantay hain faydah layna nahi
%*Ay watan Pak watan%*
4169 Day(s) ago: SMS
Science @Discover

If u were to remove all of the empty space frm the atoms that make up every human on #Earth, all #Humans would fit into an Apple.

#English Learning K Lye Mc k Sbse Best Eng ID

English9 Ko Zror Add krn

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4223 Day(s) ago: SMS
Science @Discover

Ur immune system destroys at least 1 cell every day that would hv become cancer if it lived

#Humans grow at a slower rate than any other mammel

4226 Day(s) ago: SMS

