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Total 19 Smiles Posted on #keEP Trend

Mr.perfect @Ffc.sdk


#Start your day with a clean heart & Soul_
And the best preparat on tomorrow is doing
your best to day_
#Keep the smile_Leave the tension_ful the joy
& don't forget to pray

2896 Day(s) ago: Mobile
U-xman @Therapper

So Alhamdolilah I have complete my 21years of life , in this age I m having all things accept wife :D and specialy thanks to My friends fmly , love ones to make my day special ,

#Keep Calm
#its mine

3270 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Mansoor Maaturidi @Quran-o-hadees

#keep watching madani channel
3279 Day(s) ago: SMS
Safeer Khan @Safeer420

khan via
ZooQZinDaGi: ادب کا دروازہ اتنا چھوٹا اور تنگ ہوتا ہے
اس میں داخل ہونےسےپہلے سر کو جھکانا پڑتا ہے
#keep smile
3404 Day(s) ago: SMS
U-xman @Therapper

3433 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Gmk @Gmk

#Lovely Best Friend Rushma.

#1...Rose is Famous for Grace.

#2...Advocate is Famous for his case.

#3...Horse is Famouse for Race
"4" Only for "YOU"
4...You are Famous for Smile on your Face.

#Keep Smiling.
3457 Day(s) ago: SMS
Gmk @Gmk

#Lovely Best Friend Anu Gii:

#1...Rose is Famous for Grace.

#2...Advocate is Famous for his case.

#3...Horse is Famouse for Race
"4" Only for "YOU"
4...You are Famous for Smile on your Face.

#Keep Smiling.
3457 Day(s) ago: SMS
Smile a product of MC Network (Pvt) Ltd.
