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Total 8 Smiles Posted on #reflectiOn Trend

Mr.perfect @Ffc.sdk


There's a trial in every blessing and a blessing in every trial.

2905 Day(s) ago: Android
Mr.perfect @Ffc.sdk


Sometimes the blessings are not in what Allah gives, but in what He takes away.

3020 Day(s) ago: Web
Decent Shani @Deep-sea



#Haters don't really hate U,

in fact, they hate #Themselves

because you're a #Reflection of what they wish to be_*+yes+
3336 Day(s) ago: Web
Muhammd Mahtab Ahmed @Muhammad.mahtab

**************************#Reflection **************************

3408 Day(s) ago: Web
Sameer Tariq @Sameertariq

"- #Heart is equal to a #mirrOr, Mirror shOws #reflectiOn, &
Heart shOws #affectiOn .. !! :) <3
Both have one equal quality,
can’t be #refOrmed once #brOken .. !! :( :'( -"

#xOnU #hellO #RightnOw #help #sAd #pOetry #mC #Smile #quOte
3713 Day(s) ago: Web
Tab Bhatti @Hex

You can't see your #reflection in boilling water,
In the same way,
Truth can't be seen in a state of anger,
always keep yourself cool & humble for mankind!
4134 Day(s) ago: Web
Ahsan @Z.rose

You can't see your #reflection in boilling water,
In the same way,
#Truth can't be seen in a state of anger,
always keep yourself cool & humble for mankind! :)
#good #Morning guys. Hows everyone doing? :)
4134 Day(s) ago: SMS

