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Total 9 Smiles Posted on #vfone Trend

Hassan Ahmad @Shantrixs

Ufone: 5000 Mins/SMS/MB 5 Din K Liye Sirf Rs.60+tax Mein. Offer Ke Liye Dial Karin *5050# not checkd me #ufone #PTCL #vfone #news #trixs

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3750 Day(s) ago: Web
Faisal Subzani @Smilehome

New Ufone Tricks:
New Multan Offer:
#UFONE Dail *061#
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7000 free mint's
For 1 Calendar Day.
Charges are:
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3798 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Shaziya @Smiletricks

Ufone Tricks:
New Zilla Multan Offer:
Dail *061# to get 7000 free minutes
Charges are Rs. 7.99+tax
3798 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Ali Raza @Trixonly

UFONE Offers Unlimited #PTCL And #VFone Bundle -
Type SUB
Send To 7500
Charges: 100+Tax/Month -
8000 PTCL & VFONE Minutes
4005 Day(s) ago: Web
Ali Raza @Trixonly

#UFONE Offers Unlimited #PTCL And #VFone Bundle -
Type SUB
Send To 7500
Charges: 100+Tax/Month -
8000 PTCL & VFONE Minutes
4006 Day(s) ago: Web

#UFONE Offers Unlimited #PTCL And #VFone Bundle-
Type SUB
Send To 7500
Charges: 100+Tax/Month
8000 PTCL & VFONE Minutes

Snd to 8333
4009 Day(s) ago: SMS
Basra @Kajol

#UFONE Offers Unlimited #PTCL And #VFone Bundle-
Type SUB
Send To 7500
Charges: 100+Tax/Month
8000 PTCL & VFONE Minutes

4010 Day(s) ago: Web
Ayan Shah @Sulivan

#ufone - Ufone's #Ramzan #Offer,
From #Saher to #iftar (3Am to 7pm) u can enjoy unlimited free call to All #Ufone #ptcl & #vfone numbers For just Rs.6+t
Dial *6161#

Valid from 1st to 25th #Ramazan

Add FavaD

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4276 Day(s) ago: SMS
Rahat @Bad-baby

#VFONE Introduces Postpaid PKG One.
#Pakistan Offers FREE Calls With Super Star Offer.
Listen ITTriX
Send To 8333.
4307 Day(s) ago: Web

