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ALone BirD (AnisaHabib)
Last seen 4034 Day(s) Ago
Female , 18 years old,Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Education at: Allama Iqbal Open Uni (Islamabad)
I'm no saint, not even an Aalimah bt just Muslimah striving for Imaan, yearning for Jannah. Location: Currently Dunya
Last seen 4034 Day(s) Ago
Female , 18 years old,Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Education at: Allama Iqbal Open Uni (Islamabad)
I'm no saint, not even an Aalimah bt just Muslimah striving for Imaan, yearning for Jannah. Location: Currently Dunya

Don't Get Upset With Little Problems,
Life Is Like A Road
Problems are Like Speed Breakers
They Save Us from Big Accidents..
Life Is Like A Road
Problems are Like Speed Breakers
They Save Us from Big Accidents..

PC start he nahe hote
Hard-disk sy Password kasy hatam ke jate hy? Kse ko pata hy?

For jealous people
itna na jala karo rang kala ho jae ga

Ho ap pe jumme ki hzaro brkaten
Na rhe dil 1 pal bi ibadat se
Apki har dua ho Qabol
Or un duaon me ek hm bi hon

Some People Have Nice Eyes,
Some Have a Nice Smile & Some of Them Have a Nice Face But You Have All of Them Inclluding a nice Heart...

When you begin to love Allah with all your heart,
You'll begin to feel the true happiness of your life.
Allhammdu Lillaah
Assalaamu Alaikum

In the hive of bees...
My Allah sees...
What doesn't reach ears...
My Allah hears...
Every strand that grows...
My Allah knows

When a man dies,
His good deeds come to an end except 3:
Ongoing charity,
Beneficial knowledge
& Righteous offspring who will pray for him
His good deeds come to an end except 3:
Ongoing charity,
Beneficial knowledge
& Righteous offspring who will pray for him