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Last seen 4018 Day(s) Ago
Male , 21 years old,Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
I am nothing more than a human. I give and deserve love.

Aub Qaraz Hai Hum Par Es Matti Ka,
Es Manzil Ka,
Es Dharti Ka,
Ao Taqder Karen, Tadber Karen.
Aub Qaraz Hai Hum Par Es Matti Ka,
Es Manzil Ka,
Es Dharti Ka,
Ao Taqder Karen, Tadber Karen.
4020 Day(s) ago: SMS

skip all thz thngz
Rj-SaEeD: *
#Physics Is So Easy
But I Lack #Interest In It.
Thats What, It Is Boring For Me.
#Equations #Derivation #Numericals
#Units #Definitions #Construction #Working
Rj-SaEeD: *
#Physics Is So Easy
But I Lack #Interest In It.
Thats What, It Is Boring For Me.
#Equations #Derivation #Numericals
#Units #Definitions #Construction #Working

Being in a relationship is not about kissing, dates, f""king or showing off. It's about being with the person who makes u happy..

Mein ni itni ghafil jo apne chahnay walon ko bhola sakon gii
peti hon thorri c bare magar yaadon ko solanay ky leye
peti hon thorri c bare magar yaadon ko solanay ky leye

Since Its Almost 2014, Lets Play A Game.
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If U Think I'm A Good Friend "Comment Me"
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Since Its Almost 2014, Lets Play A Game.
If U Don't Like Me, "Unfriend Me".
If U Think I'm Pretty Or Nice, "Like This Status".
If U Think I'm A Good Friend "Comment Me"
If U've Ever Had A Crush On Me "PM Me"
4107 Day(s) ago: Web

Me bewafa nae bs yun hi badnaam howi
Hazaron chahnay walay thay kis kis say wafa karti
Hazaron chahnay walay thay kis kis say wafa karti