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Mobile Digest Communication (MobileDigest)
Last seen 3505 Day(s) Ago
Male , 16 years old,Battagram, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
We are here to help you! Cantact us anytime our help for everyone. Get connected by sending FOLLOW TricksPolicy on 4O404
Last seen 3505 Day(s) Ago
Male , 16 years old,Battagram, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
We are here to help you! Cantact us anytime our help for everyone. Get connected by sending FOLLOW TricksPolicy on 4O404
How To Use Free #Facebook, #WhatsApp and #Twitter On All Sims/Networks
3508 Day(s) ago: SMS
#Mobilink customers dial *5000# (free) or Rs5 k istimal par payin 20Mbs unlimited #facebook #whatsapp #twitter or 50 free mints + SMS
ADD MobilieDigest
ADD MobilieDigest
3514 Day(s) ago: SMS
End of call notifications free with #Mobilink and #Telenor.
Telenor dial *460#, Mobilink dial *336#
(its free)
#Hello #Help
Telenor dial *460#, Mobilink dial *336#
(its free)
#Hello #Help
3538 Day(s) ago: SMS
#AikDinAyega K #Pakistan Govt Gharib Awam Say #mobiles bhe chen lengay
#PTA #SIM #Mobilink #Telenor #ZONG #Ufone
#PTA #SIM #Mobilink #Telenor #ZONG #Ufone
3543 Day(s) ago: SMS
#Telecos kei inami schemes offers par pabandi ayid: #PTA
#Mobilink end of call notification #Service muft dial: *336#
#google nay naya #laptop lunch kar dia price ยค149 hai.
Mobilink verified numbers apni unverified number ka details 789 par send kar k numbe
#Mobilink end of call notification #Service muft dial: *336#
#google nay naya #laptop lunch kar dia price ยค149 hai.
Mobilink verified numbers apni unverified number ka details 789 par send kar k numbe
3547 Day(s) ago: SMS