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Veena (VeenAmAlik)
Last seen 4021 Day(s) Ago
Female , 10 years old,Islamabad, Islamabad
c0Py o0f VeenaMalik Iz n0w On MC!!!
Last seen 4021 Day(s) Ago
Female , 10 years old,Islamabad, Islamabad
c0Py o0f VeenaMalik Iz n0w On MC!!!

Really Really GirL Id On PriNg foR girLs Facts
Add FactsOnGirLs nd snd to 9 . 9 o o
GirLs Prob.
LoNg Hair Prob.
Teen prob. & much more...

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4307 Day(s) ago: SMS

Dear ADD iSLamicQUIZ snd 03318190483 f0r
eVery FriDAy QUIZ CoMpiti0n at 5PM & Win 10 credit Listener:1130+ #islam #quran #hadees share if u lyk
eVery FriDAy QUIZ CoMpiti0n at 5PM & Win 10 credit Listener:1130+ #islam #quran #hadees share if u lyk
4307 Day(s) ago: SMS

Dear (ADD iSLamicQUIZ) & gEt
>QUIZ CoMpiti0n eVery frIday at 5PM & Win 10 CreDit ALLAH Ham sab Ko #ISLAM k Bary Main Jan'ny Aur Amal Ki TufiQ Dy #quran
>QUIZ CoMpiti0n eVery frIday at 5PM & Win 10 CreDit ALLAH Ham sab Ko #ISLAM k Bary Main Jan'ny Aur Amal Ki TufiQ Dy #quran
4312 Day(s) ago: SMS

Hurry up ADD HOrNyFacts r must cheak profile. 1 dfa add kr k dakho bhtt mza ay ga. #meetme #politics #tricks #sex #jokes #poetry #weather #lhr #fun #pti #love

ADD HOrNyFacts Listenes:1000+ Or cheak pr0file. & get #sexual #facts #meetme #politics #news #tricks #weather #poetry #cricket #smile #sex #info #hashtag #khi
4314 Day(s) ago: SMS