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ShAhId_aLaM (shahid-alam)
Last seen 2023 Day(s) Ago
Male , 21 years old,Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Education at: International Islamic Uni (Islamabad)
My NaMe ShAHiD aLAm frOm SWat dOiNg M.S iN fInAnCe FrOm INtErNaTIOnal iSlAmIc uNiVeRsItY iSlAmAbAd My aGe 21 thAtS aLl
Last seen 2023 Day(s) Ago
Male , 21 years old,Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Education at: International Islamic Uni (Islamabad)
My NaMe ShAHiD aLAm frOm SWat dOiNg M.S iN fInAnCe FrOm INtErNaTIOnal iSlAmIc uNiVeRsItY iSlAmAbAd My aGe 21 thAtS aLl
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Nofiil (NOFIIL)
asalam o alikom uffff ktni dino bd me aya koi hy
Ye Lo Mc Ki rEaL GirL Ki BeSt iD
Jo De ApKo
BeSt PoEtRy
BeSt InFo
BeSt FuNnY sMs
BrEaKiNg NeWs
CriCkEt NeWs
yE sB 1 hE iD Se HaSiL kRo.
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3932 Day(s) ago: SMS
GirLs Number Ki Factory,
YounG Ladies Nurse + Doctor + CoLLege
GirLs Nmbr K Liye,
Aap Ye iD ADD Kro.
Is iD pe Rozana Rat 8 bje 3 Girls k numbr shw hote hn.
Add Farwa.G 0331810479
3932 Day(s) ago: SMS
#cricket pak need one strong partnershp at this stage at least 100+ . Sohaib maqsood imrportant for pakistan to stay on crease. He is a tlentd plyer
3954 Day(s) ago: SMS
Kudrat Ke Karishme Me Agar Raat Na Hoti
Khwabon Me Bhi Unse Mulaqat Na Hoti...
Yeh Dil Hi Gum Ki Wajah Hai, Yeh Dil Na
Hota To Koi Baat Na Hoti..!!
Khwabon Me Bhi Unse Mulaqat Na Hoti...
Yeh Dil Hi Gum Ki Wajah Hai, Yeh Dil Na
Hota To Koi Baat Na Hoti..!!
4025 Day(s) ago: Web
4025 Day(s) ago: Web