Total 15 Smiles Posted on #Body Trend


Oxgen, Carbon, Hydrogen And Nitrogen Make Up 90% Of The Human Body.
75% Of A Tree & 80% Of Human #Body Is #Water

Ebola Virus Disease is Severe,
(Shadeed) fatal(muhlik,) illness with
a high fatality rate of up to 90%. It is
one of the #World's most Virulent
#HUMANS can be infected by other
humans if they come in #contact with
#body fluids.
Ebola Virus Disease is Severe,
(Shadeed) fatal(muhlik,) illness with
a high fatality rate of up to 90%. It is
one of the #World's most Virulent
#HUMANS can be infected by other
humans if they come in #contact with
#body fluids.
3869 Day(s) ago: Mobile