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Total 6 Smiles Posted on #Expect Trend

Emaan @Chocllatykuri

3727 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ahsan @Z.rose

Dont #expect others to b like u

#life becomes really boring when

You've 2 live only with Ur shadows.

Respect the uniqueness in every #human.

Be related.
#Good #Morning #friends
3810 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ahsan @Z.rose

#expect others to b like u

#life becomes really boring when

You've 2 live only with Ur shadows.

Respect the uniqueness in every #human.

Be related.
#Good #Morning #friends
3810 Day(s) ago: SMS
Deep Thinker @Black.rose

Sometimes you just need to stop looking for #love completely.

And when you least #expect it, you'll find someone #worthwhile.
3854 Day(s) ago: Web
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