Total 25 Smiles Posted on #KNOW Trend

"You are #strong when you #know your #weaknesses.
You are #beautiful when you #appreciate your flaws.
You are wise when you #learn from your #mistakes."
You are #beautiful when you #appreciate your flaws.
You are wise when you #learn from your #mistakes."
3617 Day(s) ago: SMS

You #know its #time to move to another planet when you are not safe at;
Home (Robberies)
School (Peshawar)
Sea (Pirates)
Air (Missing Planes)
Home (Robberies)
School (Peshawar)
Sea (Pirates)
Air (Missing Planes)
3739 Day(s) ago: Mobile

#hello friends how are you all?
asyou #know #pakistan has won the semi final ,
why youare not using to say #RoIndiaRo ?
asyou #know #pakistan has won the semi final ,
why youare not using to say #RoIndiaRo ?
3755 Day(s) ago: Web

"Do Not #EDuCaTe YOuR #CHilDreN to Be #RiCh.
EDuCaTe THem To Be #HAppY.
THeY WilL #KNoW THe #VaLue Of THiNgs,
Not THe #PRiCe."
3979 Day(s) ago: SMS