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Total 4 Smiles Posted on #Land Trend

Sellfish @Hma

If my #love were an #ocean,
there would be no more #land.
If my love were a #desert,
you would see only #sand.
If my love were a #star-
late at night, only #light.
And if my love could grow #wings,
I’d be soaring in #flight..!!
3835 Day(s) ago: Web
Arsalan @D-tech

3913 Day(s) ago: SMS
Harry Kyll3 @Harry.kyll3

DeDiCaTeD To AalL PuKhToONz
ZaMa "GaiRaT", ZaMa "PuKhTO",
ZaMa "HaYa" Ta Ye "KaTalLe" Na SHo....
ZaKa "DuNyA" Pa Ma "NaMa"
Da "DahSHatGaRd" KeKhOdA...
#AbboTaBaD #KPK
#HEaVeN FoH #ToURisTs
3968 Day(s) ago: SMS

