Total 7 Smiles Posted on #Late Trend

#Late Pohonchnay Per #Exam Me Baithnay Ki Ijazat Nahi Milne Per Khud Ko Aag Lagane Wala #Hamdard Uni Ka BDS Ka Student #Basit Dum Tor Gaya.

#RIGHTNOW #LATE #NIGHT&POETRY.........Shab e gham ki sahar nahi hooti
Hoo b to mere ghar nahi hooti....
Zindagi tu hi mukhtasar hoo jaa..
Shab e gham mukhtasar nahi hooti....
Hoo b to mere ghar nahi hooti....
Zindagi tu hi mukhtasar hoo jaa..
Shab e gham mukhtasar nahi hooti....
3392 Day(s) ago: SMS

#Definition of #TIME!
#Slow, when you #wait!
#Fast, when you r #Late!
#Deadly, when you r #Sad!
#Short, when you r #happy!
#Endless, when you r in #Pain!
#Long,when you feel #bore!
#Slow, when you #wait!
#Fast, when you r #Late!
#Deadly, when you r #Sad!
#Short, when you r #happy!
#Endless, when you r in #Pain!
#Long,when you feel #bore!
3824 Day(s) ago: Web

#DeFiNiTiOn oF #TIME:
-SlLoW.. WhEn YeW #WaiT!
-FaST.. WheN YeW ARe GeTTiNg #LaTe!
-LoNg.. WheN YeW ARe #SaD!
-SHoRt.. WheN YeW ARe #HaPPy!
-EnDLesS.. WhEn YeW ARe In #PaiN!
-TiMe CaN OnLy Be DeTeRmiNeD By YouR #FeeLiNgs NoT By #CLoCKs
3975 Day(s) ago: SMS