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Total 12 Smiles Posted on #Read Trend

Guriya @Anmol-gurya

2816 Day(s) ago: Android
Inshal Khan @Shalo

The Quran is a living miracle that is meant for ourselves not for our shelves.

#Read #Quran
#Islam #Smile
3591 Day(s) ago: SMS
Science @Discover

20/20 vision doesn’t equal perfect vision. It just means you can #Read or see 20 feet in front of you as well as the average person can.

#eye #test #medical #health
3602 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Naveed @Ilm

You can surely learn from reading if you read in the proper manner. The secret of good reading is this: #read critically!

To know it, #write it! If you're writing to explain,you're explaining it to yourself!
#mc #tips #help #career#smile #meetme
3863 Day(s) ago: Web
Shahmeer @Brilliant

#Status differentiate #love and #romance! #I #want to #read #your #wonderful #definations

@XhEhZaDii :
One hug in romance is #better then 100 kIsses in Love
4086 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shahmeer @Brilliant

I have #learnt the #method to #pass those #moments when U're unreachable i recall ur last #conversation & #read #your #msgs #again & #again
4107 Day(s) ago: SMS
Naimt @All4u

#William watson said :

I Was a #Smoker....

Once I #Read....
"Smoking Is Injurious To #Health"
I QUIT Smoking.

I Used To Drink #WINE...

I Read....
"WINE is Bad For Lungs"
I Left Drinking.

I #Loved someone...

Once I Read....
"Love is an illus
4177 Day(s) ago: SMS

