Total 9 Smiles Posted on #ShaYaN Trend

</3.. ;p
PliNxE: -
"Relation does not Need Cute Voice Or Lovely Face It Just Need an Unbreakable Trust And Beautifull Heart"
</3.. ;p
PliNxE: -
"Relation does not Need Cute Voice Or Lovely Face It Just Need an Unbreakable Trust And Beautifull Heart"

3858 Day(s) ago: SMS

via ZaYaN:
Aj Ki Baat:
"GhaLti ZinDaGi Ka Aik PaGe Hai Lekin Rishta Poori Kitab, Is LiYe Kabhi B Poori Kitab Ko Sirf Aik PaGe K LiYe RaDD Mat Karna"
Aj Ki Baat:
"GhaLti ZinDaGi Ka Aik PaGe Hai Lekin Rishta Poori Kitab, Is LiYe Kabhi B Poori Kitab Ko Sirf Aik PaGe K LiYe RaDD Mat Karna"
3874 Day(s) ago: SMS

=>...JiS Ke BHaGaiR #SHaaM GuZri Na Thi KHaBi,,,*
=>...Us Ke BHaGaiR YE #EiD Bhi GuZaR Jae Gi,,,*
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3894 Day(s) ago: SMS

LovE Is tHe OnLy DeSTinATi0n oF
FrIeNd's aRe AlWay's prECiou'S Foh Me
NeVeR Lo0k BAcK
If yUr stEpS GOes tO The suCcEsS
3923 Day(s) ago: SMS

Thanks shayan id nam change ka
MySTrY nay apna username tabdeel kar liye hy
Ab say apko oskay updates ShaYaN123 say receive hoty rahengay
Thanks shayan id nam change ka
MySTrY nay apna username tabdeel kar liye hy
Ab say apko oskay updates ShaYaN123 say receive hoty rahengay
3950 Day(s) ago: SMS