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Total 21 Smiles Posted on #Six Trend

Muhammd Mahtab Ahmed @Muhammad.mahtab

#Six Mudder's

3400 Day(s) ago: Web
Mateen @Abdul-mateen

My #father was never #proud of me

One day he asked me, How #old are you??

I said I am #five

He said, When i was #your age i was #six. :D
3466 Day(s) ago: Web
Mashall @Bh0o0o0ot

#six Any sixy aNty hErE THAN text me pm
3641 Day(s) ago: SMS

#SIX, terrific shot! Misbah not afraid to play his shots today. This was nicely tossed up on off, he kneels down and slog sweeps it over long-on, pings the ad-boards on the full
3662 Day(s) ago: Web
Rehan Ali @Iropaksms

#Wc2015 ka BIG_MaTcH

100 % FasT
LivE ScOre KeLy,
@enjoy_worldcup send 40,40,4 per
3662 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ch Mudassar @King1sms

*% cricket news*
/% Live score/
% OD!
% T!20
% Test
% Much_More
To abi likhen,

Add GEO-SUPER send_03318190483
3669 Day(s) ago: SMS

Wahab Riaz is the first ever player in all #time #WorldCup #History to hit #six off his 0nly ball he faced in an innings.
3673 Day(s) ago: Mobile

Today Bangaldesh's victory against Afghanistan in #CWC15.
This is Bangaldesh 6th #ODI win in a Row Since 21-Nov-2014.
Have Now won four Of their Last #Six #WorldCup Games Since #25-Feb-2011.
3687 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Iqra @Buttterfly

Viraat sy ziyada ouncha #six lala marygaaa ^_^ InshaALLAH. ... :)
3690 Day(s) ago: Mobile

