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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #Term Trend

Science @Discover

The term “astronaut” is derived from the Greek #words ástron, meaning “star”, and nautes, which means “sailor”. So, the #word #astronaut means star sailor!

#english #terms
3155 Day(s) ago: Web
Science @Discover

Seeing recognizable objects or patterns.
In otherwords random or unrelated objects or Patterns is called #Pareidolia. It is a form of apophenia, which is a more general #term for the #human
tendency to seek patterns in random
Information. Everyone experie
3571 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Science @Discover


Our #Nose has Special cells which #Help us #Smell

#Technical #Term 4 #Sense of Smell is Olfaction


Inability to Smell is Anosmia.

3769 Day(s) ago: SMS
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