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Total 25 Smiles Posted on #WORK Trend

Mateen @Abdul-mateen

#Japanese Attitude for #Work

If #one can do it, I can do it

If no one can do it, I #must do it.+good2+

Middle #Eastern Attitude for #Work

#Wallahi if one can do it, #let him do it.

If #no one can do it, ya-habibi #how can i do it ?:D +laugh2+
3457 Day(s) ago: Web
Musafar @Realove.96x

via USvA: We always #Work for a Better #Tomorrow..
But When Tomorrow Comes,
Instead of #Enjoying,
We Again #Think of a Better Tomorrow!


3490 Day(s) ago: SMS
Usva @Beingusva

Relationships last not because they were #destined to last.
Relationships last long because two #people made a choice to keep it, #fight for it and #work for it.
3506 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Usva @Beingusva


Don’t waste the hard #work and #time you have spent worshiping #ALLAH by not having sincerity.

Asslam O Alaikum G
Kia Haal Hai Aap Ka?? &
Ramzan KaiSa Guzra Aap Ka??
3530 Day(s) ago: Web
Sellfish @Hma

Loosing Is A Learning Experience.

It Teaches You '#HUMILITY'

It Teaches You To '#WORK HARD'

It's Also A Powerful '#MOTIVATOR'

3560 Day(s) ago: Web
Usva @Beingusva

#Talent and hard #work will open doors throughout your life for you.
But a lack of good character will eventually close those same doors.
3586 Day(s) ago: Web
Technology @Tech

The #US #Army is developing an Invisibility Suit for its #soldiers to make them DISAPPEAR on the battlefield - & hoping to test the first prototypes within 18 months. The suit will #work in every terrain, from deserts to jungles - & in every temperature.
3599 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Ayesha Khan @Babydoll23

Never stop doing your best, just because someone doesn't give you #credit - credit come eventually with great things, make it happen!
3626 Day(s) ago: SMS

