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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #expression Trend

Usman Ibrar @Emo.sharib

USvA: #Nature has given you a #face to provide #expression. But always be careful, our one expression will leave an impression in some one's #heart!

Good #night!
Sweet Dreams..
3216 Day(s) ago: SMS
Hassan @Seenu

"EveRy #HearT HaS PaiN,
OnLy The Way oF #ExPreSsiOn iS #DifFeRenT"

#PeoPLe HiDe iT iN #EYES
#BrilLianT PeoPLe HiDe iT iN #SMILE"

3694 Day(s) ago: SMS
Smile a product of MC Network (Pvt) Ltd.
