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Total 19 Smiles Posted on #fear Trend

Ira @Ira

#Yad Teri Me Band The #Ankhen....!
Maot Aa Kar Ghuzar Gae Ho Gii....
3360 Day(s) ago: SMS
Waleed @Daffodilllx

Life starts #INTENSE,
But Ends with #SILENSE.

Love<3 <3 starts with #FEAR,
Buts ends with #TEARS.;(

And #Friendship starts #HOWEVER,
Will always Remain #FOREVER.
3406 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Dua Rehman Rana @Dua.rehman

Let ur #dreams be bigger than ur #fears
ur #actions be louder than ur #words...
3482 Day(s) ago: SMS
Zarisha Emaan @Sheeny

#Fear less,#hope more; eat less chew more; whine less, breathe more: talk less, say more; #love more and all good #things will be yours:-)
3618 Day(s) ago: SMS
Emankhan Swati @Bazm-e-quran

"One Of The #Worst #Sins Is When A #Man Says To His #Brother,#Fear #Allah' And He #Replies, "#Worry About #Yourself." -#Abdullah ibn Mas'ud RadiAllahAnhu.
3714 Day(s) ago: SMS
Falak-huda @Stylowhuda

#fear is #stupid ! So are regrets . . .
3778 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Azizam @Zeemal

Going to start new chapter of my #life, need prayers....
Stay Blessed logo.
#requst #fear
3981 Day(s) ago: SMS
Sk Salik @Jaltaanchal

Are u looking 4 #love ?
Is ur heart open n vulnerable enough to rcv it? Or clouded by doubt n #fear ?
3984 Day(s) ago: SMS
Harry Kyll3 @Harry.kyll3

WHeN YeW #FEaR tHe #CReaTiON,
YeW FeElL #RePelLeD By iT
aNd ruN #aWaY FRoM iT,
BuT wHeN YeW FeaR tHe #CReaToR,
YeW #FeElL #clLoSe tO HIM
aNd #RuN #ToWarRds HIM.
"IBn QaYYim alL JawZiyYaH"

3987 Day(s) ago: SMS

